We are currently in the process of closing on a new home, YAY! The funny part is that we were never really seriously house hunting. We knew we wanted out of our current house, but thought we would have to wait until summer/fall of 2014. Then, Mike received a bit of a promotion at work and we thought... well... maybe we can do it now. So, we started hitting open houses in our preferred neighborhoods on the weekends, just to see what was out there in our price range. Then, it happened. One Sunday evening on the way home from an open house, we took a right hand turn into a neighborhood we don't usually drive by. And there it was! The second house on the left with a "for sale" sign in the front yard. It was the most amazing place I had seen since we started (not) looking. "Now that's a dream home", I uttered as Mike stopped the car for me to pull the flyer. "Surely this place is out of our budget." And it was. By about $50K. So, I started following the place on Zillow.com. A few weeks later they dropped the price $25K. We mentioned this to my parents via facetime one morning and after they saw the listing photos on Zillow, they practically begged us to just go look at the house. We weren't going to, since we didn't have a realtor; after all, we were only stopping by open houses here and there and this place didn't have an open house scheduled. But with mom's encouragement, I called the listing agent and made an appointment to see the home. And fell in love. So, here we are just a few short weeks later and the place is ours! Well, almost ours; set to close at the end of the month. What a whirlwind! We can't wait to get into our new place!
Friday, December 20, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Back in the saddle again
Going back to work after my 3 month maternity leave was not an easy task. It was an emotional roller coaster. The Friday before I went back, I spent most of the morning on the sofa cradling my baby and crying into my coffee. I was not ready to be separated from her (and don't even get me started on the whole breast feeding issue that complicates the matter even more). I had a hard time fitting into my old work wardrobe, and still do. Stupid things made me cry. (Like the woman in the hallway the other day telling her attorney she doesn't want to go to court because she just doesn't feel good.) There are days when all I want to do is snuggle my kids and be a stay at home mom. And then there are days that my 2 year old tests me so much that I can't wait to get back to the office.
My first day back was ok. I managed to leave the baby at daycare without bursting into tears (although writing about it now is making me tear up). Then on my way from daycare to the office I spilled coffee all over my pretty new first-day-back green silk blouse. Whomp, whomp, whomp. Morning fail. Oh well, I sucked it up and rocked my coffee stained blouse all day.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
On Leave
I'm so in love with this new baby; I could just eat her up!
Evelyn June Burkholder was born on June 28, 2013, at 7:06 PM. 8lbs, 21.25inches.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
40 Weeks
Pregnancy Update
40 weeks along & -1 day to go. Yep, the due date came & went with no action. I'm dying. I thought for sure she would be early.
I have an OB appointment in the morning. We may be scheduling an induction. Let's hope I go into labor before then!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
39 Weeks
Pregnancy Update
39 weeks along & 1 week to go. Get this baby out of me!!!
Work out mileage this week: 1/2 mile, hahahaaa!
Cravings: Cheeseburgers & Pineapple
Weight gain thus far: 29 lbs
Fun fact: my waist measurement (or the area I believe to have been my waist at one point) this morning was 43"
39 weeks along & 1 week to go. Get this baby out of me!!!
Work out mileage this week: 1/2 mile, hahahaaa!
Cravings: Cheeseburgers & Pineapple
Weight gain thus far: 29 lbs
Fun fact: my waist measurement (or the area I believe to have been my waist at one point) this morning was 43"
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This morning |
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06/17/2013 |
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06/16/2013 |
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
38 Weeks
Pregnancy Update
38 weeks along & 2 weeks to go
Work out mileage this week: nope
Cravings: Fresh fruit... and a cheeseburger and some ice cream!
Weight gain thus far: 28 lbs
Why are the last couple weeks of pregnancy so hard? I'm ready to go right now. I keep hoping to go into labor, but the truth is... two weeks is still a long time to wait. UHHHGGGG!
38 weeks along & 2 weeks to go
Work out mileage this week: nope
Cravings: Fresh fruit... and a cheeseburger and some ice cream!
Weight gain thus far: 28 lbs
today |
06/10/2013 |
We took Warren to Famous Dave's over the weekend. This kid loves BBQ! Me, not so much, but it turns out they have amazing burgers! A win-win :)
Warren snuggled up in my bed yesterday morning |
Why are the last couple weeks of pregnancy so hard? I'm ready to go right now. I keep hoping to go into labor, but the truth is... two weeks is still a long time to wait. UHHHGGGG!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
37 Weeks
Pregnancy Update
37 weeks along & 3 more weeks to go
Work out mileage this week: Ya right! That is not happening right now. I can barely muster the energy to get up and go to the bathroom.
Cravings: Cheeseburgers & ice cream
Weight gain thus far: 28 lbs, YIKES! I wanted to keep it at 25, but it's coming on fast now. Hopefully this kid comes early; I noticed this morning how plump my face has gotten and I'm not loving it.
Check out the flowers my awesome husband sent me today for no particular reason. Thanks Babe, I needed that!
I honestly don't know how I worked right up until I went into labor last time. It's killing me this time! I'm really over it. I'm ready to go home for the day at about 2:00 PM every afternoon. It's going to be a very LONG 3 weeks!
37 weeks along & 3 more weeks to go
Work out mileage this week: Ya right! That is not happening right now. I can barely muster the energy to get up and go to the bathroom.
Cravings: Cheeseburgers & ice cream
Weight gain thus far: 28 lbs, YIKES! I wanted to keep it at 25, but it's coming on fast now. Hopefully this kid comes early; I noticed this morning how plump my face has gotten and I'm not loving it.
Check out the flowers my awesome husband sent me today for no particular reason. Thanks Babe, I needed that!
I honestly don't know how I worked right up until I went into labor last time. It's killing me this time! I'm really over it. I'm ready to go home for the day at about 2:00 PM every afternoon. It's going to be a very LONG 3 weeks!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Alone again... naturally
My Holiday Weekend Recap
Mike wanted to go camping over Memorial Day weekend. I decided I am far too pregnant and uncomfortable to be camping at this point. Sleeping on the ground in a cold tent and having to get up several times a night to hike to the bathroom does not sound like a good time at 36 weeks pregnant! I (bravely) opted to stay home, all by myself, and let the boys enjoy the great outdoors.
This was the first time I had spent the night away from Warren. Yep, that's right. Take that in for just a moment. It's been 2 years and 7 months since I've been alone for more than an hour or two. It was heaven! Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but I really love spending quality time with me, myself & I! I scheduled a prenatal massage Saturday afternoon (amazing). I ate crappy food with no concern about what anybody else would eat. I went shopping and didn't worry about how long I had been in the store. I watched HGTV and Real Housewives without anybody whining, "can we watch something else?".
While Warren was out of the house, I took the opportunity to turn his old nursery into the new nursery. It turned out pretty darn cute! I only have a crappy iPhone picture right now, but promise to take better pictures later (Mike had the Nikon on his camping trip).
When Warren got home and saw the new nursery he promptly informed me that the crib is his bed and the baby is not allowed to sleep in his bed. Classic.
On another note, my Grandma Kurtz turned 95 on Sunday. Happy birthday Grandma; I wish I could have been there! Here she is celebrating with a couple of her kids/kids-in-law:
She's amazing!
Mike wanted to go camping over Memorial Day weekend. I decided I am far too pregnant and uncomfortable to be camping at this point. Sleeping on the ground in a cold tent and having to get up several times a night to hike to the bathroom does not sound like a good time at 36 weeks pregnant! I (bravely) opted to stay home, all by myself, and let the boys enjoy the great outdoors.
This was the first time I had spent the night away from Warren. Yep, that's right. Take that in for just a moment. It's been 2 years and 7 months since I've been alone for more than an hour or two. It was heaven! Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but I really love spending quality time with me, myself & I! I scheduled a prenatal massage Saturday afternoon (amazing). I ate crappy food with no concern about what anybody else would eat. I went shopping and didn't worry about how long I had been in the store. I watched HGTV and Real Housewives without anybody whining, "can we watch something else?".
While Warren was out of the house, I took the opportunity to turn his old nursery into the new nursery. It turned out pretty darn cute! I only have a crappy iPhone picture right now, but promise to take better pictures later (Mike had the Nikon on his camping trip).
When Warren got home and saw the new nursery he promptly informed me that the crib is his bed and the baby is not allowed to sleep in his bed. Classic.
On another note, my Grandma Kurtz turned 95 on Sunday. Happy birthday Grandma; I wish I could have been there! Here she is celebrating with a couple of her kids/kids-in-law:
She's amazing!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
36 Weeks
Pregnancy Update
36 weeks along and 4 weeks to go (can you believe it?)
Work out mileage this week: 2 miles - totally lame of me. I have no excuse other than I've been a lazy a-hole.
Cravings: Candy, Candy Bars - in particular the Whatchamacalit, LOVE!
Weight gain thus far: about 25lbs, I think. I forgot to weigh myself this morning. I feel like it's coming on fast and furious now and I'm a little bit terrified.
This morning's pic, complete with a Warren photo bomb:
Some other fun stuff
A quick look at the baby's new quilt:
Warren successfully transitioned into his big-boy room over the weekend. He's been doing great and staying in bed all night!
Here's a quick video of the big guy tearin' it up on his trike:
36 weeks along and 4 weeks to go (can you believe it?)
Work out mileage this week: 2 miles - totally lame of me. I have no excuse other than I've been a lazy a-hole.
Cravings: Candy, Candy Bars - in particular the Whatchamacalit, LOVE!
Weight gain thus far: about 25lbs, I think. I forgot to weigh myself this morning. I feel like it's coming on fast and furious now and I'm a little bit terrified.
This morning's pic, complete with a Warren photo bomb:
Some other fun stuff
A quick look at the baby's new quilt:
Warren successfully transitioned into his big-boy room over the weekend. He's been doing great and staying in bed all night!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
35 Weeks
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
34 Weeks
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
I'm leaving on a jet plane!
Let the countdown begin... the Burkholders are going on vacation! We depart Boise at 5:41 PM on Friday, and arrive in Palm Springs at 8:47 PM. I cannot wait to see the desert, bright sunshine, and my family!!! Most of all, I cannot wait to not work for an entire week! The only thing that could make this vacation better is if I could sip adult beverages by the pool.
Warren got some new shades and a fresh haircut; he's all ready for warm weather and pool time!
Saturday afternoon we spent some family time in Municipal Park. Warren loves to see the "fishies" and play on the slides.
Warren got some new shades and a fresh haircut; he's all ready for warm weather and pool time!
Saturday afternoon we spent some family time in Municipal Park. Warren loves to see the "fishies" and play on the slides.
32 Weeks
Pregnancy Update
32 weeks along and 8 weeks to go!
Work out mileage this week: 10 miles walking plus 30 minutes prenatal pilates
Cravings: fresh fruit
Weight gain thus far: 22lbs
On a side note, I'm getting my hair done this afternoon and can't wait. It's been growing like crazy since I've been pregnant and it's a little out of control right now. Roots are for trees!
32 weeks along and 8 weeks to go!
Work out mileage this week: 10 miles walking plus 30 minutes prenatal pilates
Cravings: fresh fruit
Weight gain thus far: 22lbs
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This morning |
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Yesterday |
On a side note, I'm getting my hair done this afternoon and can't wait. It's been growing like crazy since I've been pregnant and it's a little out of control right now. Roots are for trees!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
31 Weeks
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
30 Weeks
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
I, I, I, I workout... I'm pregnant and I know it!
Good news, my 3 hour glucose test results came back normal. Thank goodness! I'm going to go eat a candy bar now. Hahahahaaa, just kidding.
Many moons ago, when I was a footloose and fancy free single gal living it up in Palm Springs, I would do workout videos (I'm talking VHS here, not even DVD's, that's how long ago it was) in my apartment after work everyday. My two favorites were Windsor Pilates and Leslie Sandsone Walk Away the Pounds (how hilarious is that?!). While perusing the Target add on Sunday, I noticed a Leslie Sandsone DVD on sale this week and thought I would pick it up. After all, it's just walking so it would be a good low impact pregnancy workout and will be great for days when the weather is not cooperating with my walking schedule. I was right! I popped it in the DVD player last night after work and did 3 miles. I loved it!
The other day I was trying to teach Warren how old he is. I kept telling him he is two and holding up two fingers. He just looked at me very confused and said, "I'm W Warren". Poor guy must have thought I was trying to change his name to two. So... next time you see my kid, please don't ask him how old he is.
Here's a little tid bit for you from Saturday:
Many moons ago, when I was a footloose and fancy free single gal living it up in Palm Springs, I would do workout videos (I'm talking VHS here, not even DVD's, that's how long ago it was) in my apartment after work everyday. My two favorites were Windsor Pilates and Leslie Sandsone Walk Away the Pounds (how hilarious is that?!). While perusing the Target add on Sunday, I noticed a Leslie Sandsone DVD on sale this week and thought I would pick it up. After all, it's just walking so it would be a good low impact pregnancy workout and will be great for days when the weather is not cooperating with my walking schedule. I was right! I popped it in the DVD player last night after work and did 3 miles. I loved it!
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Look how happy she is! How could you go wrong? |
Last night Warren was checking himself out in the mirror and told me he has green eyes. He's right; he does. Then he told me I have blue eyes (right again). He then had to go check out daddy's eyes and said they were green like his. I asked him what color eyes he thinks baby sister will have and he said blue. We shall see.
The other day I was trying to teach Warren how old he is. I kept telling him he is two and holding up two fingers. He just looked at me very confused and said, "I'm W Warren". Poor guy must have thought I was trying to change his name to two. So... next time you see my kid, please don't ask him how old he is.
Here's a little tid bit for you from Saturday:
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
29 Weeks
Pregnancy Update
29 weeks along and 11 weeks to go
Workout mileage this week: 2.17 (not cool but can't be helped... Mike is out of town and I don't like bringing Warren with me)
Cravings: Lucky Charms, Red Grapefruit
In other news, I failed my one hour glucose (gestational diabetes) test this week. Now I have to go in on Friday and take the 3 hour glucose test, boo! I'll let you know how that turns out. It would just figure that this time around I'm in far better shape, have much better eating habits, am way more active and fit, weigh less and would end up with gestational diabetes! We shall see. Oh yeah, and despite taking a prenatal vitamin the size of a horse pill every night before bed, my iron levels are low. Now I get to take an iron supplement on top of the prenatals. The prenatals cause enough constipation as it is, can't wait to see what an extra iron supplement does!
29 weeks along and 11 weeks to go
Workout mileage this week: 2.17 (not cool but can't be helped... Mike is out of town and I don't like bringing Warren with me)
Cravings: Lucky Charms, Red Grapefruit
Weight gain thus far: Still hovering at 19lbs
In hindsight, perhaps horizontal stripes were not the most fashionable choice for a pregnant belly.
In other news, I failed my one hour glucose (gestational diabetes) test this week. Now I have to go in on Friday and take the 3 hour glucose test, boo! I'll let you know how that turns out. It would just figure that this time around I'm in far better shape, have much better eating habits, am way more active and fit, weigh less and would end up with gestational diabetes! We shall see. Oh yeah, and despite taking a prenatal vitamin the size of a horse pill every night before bed, my iron levels are low. Now I get to take an iron supplement on top of the prenatals. The prenatals cause enough constipation as it is, can't wait to see what an extra iron supplement does!
Speaking of weighing less and being in better shape this time around, I had to go buy new maternity pants on Monday. My pants from the 1st pregnancy are way too big and look ridiculous. I could fit 2 of my asses in them. Not a great look. I went shopping on my lunch break and the clerk wanted me to wear the new pants out of the store. The old pants must have looked pretty damn bad, hahaha!
New pants sans droopy ass. I'll have to get a shot of the old pants for comparison.
I picked up some fabric for the nursery today. I'm pretty excited about it. Here's a little sneak peak for you:
How cute is this!?
And last but certainly not least, while driving to work Monday morning I passed a giant potato on a flatbed semi. Only in Idaho ;)
No, it's not real.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
28 Weeks
Pregnancy Update
Welcome to day 1 of my 3rd trimester everybody!
28 weeks along and 12 weeks to go
Workout mileage logged this week: 6.28
Craving: fresh fruit
Weight gained thus far: still hovering around 19 lbs
Welcome to day 1 of my 3rd trimester everybody!
28 weeks along and 12 weeks to go
Workout mileage logged this week: 6.28
Craving: fresh fruit
Weight gained thus far: still hovering around 19 lbs

Friday, March 22, 2013
27 Weeks
Pregnancy Update
27 weeks along & 13 weeks to go
Still keeping active
Craving: cheesy goodness in the form of pizza and enchiladas
Weight gained thus far: 19 lbs :(
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Weekend Rewind
How I wish I could rewind weekends! Let me tell you, being 6 months pregnant while working full time and raising a toddler is not for sissies! I'm exhausted most days. Thank God for awesome husbands; I chose wisely!
Any who, Warren got a fresh haircut on Saturday and he looks adorable!
Sunday we worked on his big boy room a little, it's coming together nicely.
Last night after work I decided to go for my usual walk (even though I just wanted to sit on the couch). About a half mile in I got some horrible side stitch pain. It was awful. I'm sure it was pregnancy related. I stopped, doubled over and moaned for a minute and decided to just keep walking, slowing down to tortoise pace. The sharp shooting pain didn't go away so I had to turn around and go home. Whomp, whomp! I seriously considered calling Mike to come get me but decided to suck it up and keep moving.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Pregnancy Update
Today marks day one of 26 weeks! I kind of hate to admit it, but I'm already sick of being pregnant. I'm tired of getting up 2-3 times per night to go to the bathroom. I'm bummed about my limited wardrobe options, and I'm still terrified of gaining back all the weight I lost (I'm up 17lbs). Oh well... small price to pay for healthy baby girl. So excited and can't wait to meet her!
I've started seeing a new chiropractor... a female who specializes in working with pregnant women. Who knew? I thought all the back pain was just part of being pregnant and something I just needed to deal with. Turns out, NO ladies! You don' t just have to suffer with it, there are all sorts of thing the chiropractor can do to help with pregnancy back pain issues, YAY!
The weather has taken a turn for the better this week. Yesterday was a beautiful sunny 65 degrees so I went for a nice 2.15 mile "chug" after work. I call it chugging... it's not really walking, it's not really running... it's sort of jogging but not quite... I chug along! I've also been working on my flabby bingo arms at home with free weights. Trying to gain some muscle tone for tank top season!
I've started seeing a new chiropractor... a female who specializes in working with pregnant women. Who knew? I thought all the back pain was just part of being pregnant and something I just needed to deal with. Turns out, NO ladies! You don' t just have to suffer with it, there are all sorts of thing the chiropractor can do to help with pregnancy back pain issues, YAY!
The weather has taken a turn for the better this week. Yesterday was a beautiful sunny 65 degrees so I went for a nice 2.15 mile "chug" after work. I call it chugging... it's not really walking, it's not really running... it's sort of jogging but not quite... I chug along! I've also been working on my flabby bingo arms at home with free weights. Trying to gain some muscle tone for tank top season!
26 weeks |
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Pregnancy & Weight & Clothes
A lot of you know that last year I randomly decided to become a runner. I ran my first 5k and then decided I would run a 10k? No! That's too easy... too predictable. I decided I would run a half marathon and skip right over that 10k nonsense. Mainly because I knew we wanted to have another baby and it became my goal to finish a half marathon before getting pregnant. So, while running like a mad woman and training for a half marathon I lost a significant amount of weight and inches and body fat (awesome). I finally got rid of all the weight I put on from my first pregnancy, and then some. I was in great shape... and then I got pregnant. Now I'm terrified of putting all that weight right back on. I know I'm suppose to gain weight, but after working so hard to lose it, this sure is a mind f#ck!
My first trimester was awful. Putting on weight was not even an issue for me. I was so queasy and nauseous that I lost weight. I felt miserable, never wanted to get out of bed and definitely didn't go running. Now I'm in my second trimester and feeling pretty darn good. I've been going out afterwork for short 2 mile jogs whenever the weather allows (I've decided it needs to be at least 45 degrees for me to be comfortable... yes, pregnancy has turned me into a wuss). Some weeks I get out 3-4 times. Some weeks not at all because the weather is total crap. It's frustrating. And since I refuse to pay for a gym membership, running indoors is not an option for me. I try to watch what I eat (track my calories w/ my fitness pal) but do indulge more than I did prior to becoming pregnant. I have not adjusted my calorie intake for pregnancy... that's just asking for trouble... still keeping it around 1310/day. I have been able to maintain pretty well.
I'm keeping my weight in check a lot better with this pregnancy than with the first. Today I am 24 weeks along and have put on 15lbs. I was hoping to gain no more than 25lbs (Hey, a girl can dream!) but with another 4 months to go, I'm not sure how that's going to work.
Thus far, I haven't been able to wear any of my maternity clothes from the first time around... they are too big. Instead I've been wearing my old fat clothes (kept them just for this reason) from before I lost weight.
Follow me!
My first trimester was awful. Putting on weight was not even an issue for me. I was so queasy and nauseous that I lost weight. I felt miserable, never wanted to get out of bed and definitely didn't go running. Now I'm in my second trimester and feeling pretty darn good. I've been going out afterwork for short 2 mile jogs whenever the weather allows (I've decided it needs to be at least 45 degrees for me to be comfortable... yes, pregnancy has turned me into a wuss). Some weeks I get out 3-4 times. Some weeks not at all because the weather is total crap. It's frustrating. And since I refuse to pay for a gym membership, running indoors is not an option for me. I try to watch what I eat (track my calories w/ my fitness pal) but do indulge more than I did prior to becoming pregnant. I have not adjusted my calorie intake for pregnancy... that's just asking for trouble... still keeping it around 1310/day. I have been able to maintain pretty well.
I'm keeping my weight in check a lot better with this pregnancy than with the first. Today I am 24 weeks along and have put on 15lbs. I was hoping to gain no more than 25lbs (Hey, a girl can dream!) but with another 4 months to go, I'm not sure how that's going to work.
Thus far, I haven't been able to wear any of my maternity clothes from the first time around... they are too big. Instead I've been wearing my old fat clothes (kept them just for this reason) from before I lost weight.
21 Weeks This actually is a maternity skirt I bought a couple weeks ago from pinkblushmaternity.com |
22 Weeks |
23 Weeks |
24 Weeks |
Saturday, February 2, 2013
We had a big ultrasound on 01/31/13, it was very exciting! As some of you know, the first time around we didn't find out the gender before Warren was born (which drove most of you nuts), but it was a great surprise. This time around, I want to know. If it's a boy then I'm hanging onto all the boy baby clothes taking up shelf space in the garage. If it's a girl then it's time to purge!
So.... let the purging begin; this one is a girl!
So.... let the purging begin; this one is a girl!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Catching Up
I haven't been posting in a timely manner lately, so let me catch you up. Incase you didn't know...
That's right! Another Burkholder will be joining us in June of 2013!
That's right! Another Burkholder will be joining us in June of 2013!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
A Merry Burkholder Christmas
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