In my opinion, staging your home to sell should be all about using what you have. That being said, you still need to be smart about it. If nothing you have could be considered neutral or appeal to the masses, you may need to invest in a few essentials. (Or hire me to come stage your house for you.)To stage our master bedroom, we used our headboard (queen size) and some extra bedding we had on hand. Since we needed our box spring and mattress to sleep on at the new house, my initial plan was to use a queen size air mattress we had. It didn't work! It's a tall bed height air mattress and once filled with air was no longer bed shaped at all. It bowed out at the sides and made the bedding look terrible! I knew there had to be a better way. Since we had just moved the week prior, I was surrounded by empty moving boxes and became determined to make a bed out of them. I enlisted my mom to help and this is what we came up with.
What you need:
9 large boxes, I used these from the
Home Depot
A roll of packing tape
An old/cheap bed skirt you don't mind cutting, or this is another good
option (you could also use fabric you have on hand)
Neutral Bedding & Pillows

The boxes weren't exactly the right size so we opened the flaps, taped them down and they were perfect!

I just happened to have this old bed skirt that had shrunk in the wash and didn't fit correctly anymore, so I cut it and taped it to the boxes.
I did put a queen size blanket on top of the boxes prior to adding the fitted sheet, just to give it a little loft and less of a "boxy" look.
Just tape your flat sheet in place and there you have it; instant bed!
Don't forget to add a tent card for showings "Please do not sit on bed. For display only"