Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Sale shopping has taken on a whole new meaning for me.  I was totally excited to score $40 worth of baby food for $20.  

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Family Camping Ahead!

The Burkholders have upgraded their 2-person tent to a 4-person tent.  Now we can't wait for the weather to cooperate.  The new tent even has a little screen porch in the front for Zoe.   It looks something like this, only orange.  We picked it up at Costco this weekend for less than $60... you gotta love Costco!

Monday, March 21, 2011

W the Movie

Get your popcorn ready!

Looking back at these video clips makes me laugh (and cringe).  I was so big, swollen and uncomfortable at the end of my pregnancy.  Good thing W decided to make an appearance 4 days early.

Wii are making progress

Monday night is Wii fit night at the Burkholder house.  I'm happy to report that both Mike & I have lost 10 lbs each since starting our Wii fit program in January.  Of course the addition of the slow carb diet didn't hurt either.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Warren has been dabbling in solid foods for the past week.  He's not a big fan of rice cereal (can't say I blame him), but likes it mixed with fruits or veggies.  So far he has been a very good eater and does well with the spoon.  We were hoping that the addition of baby food would help him sleep through the night; no such luck.

By the way, I find it nearly impossible to feed the baby without opening and closing my own mouth while giving him a bite... why is that?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Positioning System

We had to lower Warren's crib mattress a notch; he's starting to grab onto the rails and move around a lot more.  This is how we put him down at night:

And this is how we find him when he wakes up:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Just socks?

Yesterday when I picked Warren up from daycare he had his "back-up" clothes on (not unusual).  Typically, the daycare seals the soiled clothes in a plastic bag and puts them in Warren's cubby for me to take home.  Yesterday, the only thing in the plastic bag were Warren's socks.  Really?  I know I'm over tired most of the time, but surely I did not send my son to school wearing just his socks.  The girl that was working didn't seem to know where his clothes ended up.  I hope they find them, it was the first time he had worn that outfit.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Warren's Spa Day

Earlier this week I had to trim the hair "wings" growing behind Warren's ears.
I think he enjoyed his first haircut.

Then we brushed his teeth for the first time, which he also seemed to enjoy.

 Followed by his favorite... bath time!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Warren made a finger painting at school; we're so proud!

Also, I thought you might enjoy this portrait of me Mike did when I was pregnant.  
(Note the swollen feet.)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Change of Clothes

Often when I pick Warren up from daycare he is not wearing the same clothes I dropped him off in.  We keep a back-up set of clothes at the daycare since babies are prone to "blow outs" and spitting up.  I (being super mom) keep two back-up outfits at daycare because you just never know.  Imagine my surprise when I picked him up after work today and he was wearing a shirt I did not recognize.  Warren had gone through the clothes I dropped him off in, and both back-up outfits!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Here we go again...

with another crazy morning!  We got W dressed (in the cutest outfit ever) and ready for daycare this morning; he was enjoying some tummy time on our bed when he decided to empty the contents of his stomach all over his cute outfit, and the bed.  Back to the drawing board!  We had to take the yucky clothes off the baby and put clean clothes on.  Then we had to take the duvet cover off the duvet and put it in the wash.  (We will have to wash the duvet itself when we get home tonight.)   Then in the middle of all of this Mike notices that poor little Zoe has a very swollen anal gland (gross) and needs to go to the vet ASAP; she has an appointment tomorrow at noon... hope it doesn't rupture before then!

Warren had an appointment with a specialist this morning at 10:40, because he has a flat spot on the back of his head, "plagiocephaly".  I guess it's a big deal because his facial features could start growing wonky if left untreated.  Our 15 minute appointment cost us $130 for a nurse take one measurement and tell us to "reposition" him to his left side and keep him off his right side (where the flat spot is).  DUH!  They will check him again in 4 weeks to see if it begins to even out (I'm assuming that will cost another $130).  If it doesn't improve by the time he is 6 months old, we have the option to put him in a helmet to reshape his head.  Oh, they did mention that said helmet costs approximately $2500, and yes... you guessed it, insurance won't cover the cost.  Luckily, Warren's plagiocephaly is very mild.  I do not foresee any special helmets in his future.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Working for a living

We're starting to miss our baby.  In the morning, Warren gets up between 6:00 & 7:00, then it's off to daycare at 7:30.  By the time we get home from work/daycare it's 5:30 PM.  Warren goes to bed between 7:30 & 8:30 which only leaves about 3 or 4 hours a day that we actually get to spend with him.  It seems a little backwards... we go to work in order to afford a family when ultimately it's work that keeps us from our family.  I guess we need to buy a lotto ticket!