Tuesday, March 27, 2012

8 Week Half-Marathon Training Plan

Since finishing my first 5k on March 17th, I've been searching for a new goal.  10k was the obvious choice, but since my ultimate goal is to one day run a half marathon, I decided to just go for it.  I am in week one of this training plan and hoping to run a half on May 19th.  Wish me luck!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


My new favorite toy:

I bought myself a fitbit on Saturday as a prize for completing my first 5k.  I LOVE this little thing!  It's a fancy pedometer that counts steps, flights of stairs climbed, calories burned, it even monitors your sleep.  And better yet, the website account and support that goes along with it is free.  It also works with the My Fitness Pal ap I use to track food.  Fitbit will set daily goals for you like reaching 10,000 steps or climbing 10 flights of stairs, and when you reach your goal you earn a badge.  I'm addicted!  I cannot go to sleep at night until I reach 10,000 steps.  Sometimes this means walking in place in front of the TV (like during Monday night's snow/rain storm).

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

5k Registration

I did it.  I bit the bullet and registered for my very first 5k.  If anybody is looking for me on St. Patty's day, this is where I'll be.  It's at a winery!  How fun is that?!  Will run for wine :)

UPDATE 03/22/12:
The weather was total crap during race week and, of course, on race day as well.  Saturday morning we drove through a torrential downpour for about 23 out of the 28 miles to the winery.  But low and behold, just before race time the clouds parted and the skies cleared.  It was only about 40 degrees and quite windy but thankfully, dry at long last.  Flat is not the word I would use to describe the course.  All these factors combined = one slow Rachel!  No matter, I still ran the whole 3.2 miles without having to stop and walk... which was my goal.  Speed will come later.  I finished in 43:10, the same time some skinny bitch was finishing her 10k, haha!

Monday, March 5, 2012

A blocked tear duct... still

Some of you may know, Warren's left tear duct has been blocked since birth.  His left eye gets goopy and crusty and sometimes his eyelid gets swollen and his cheek gets chapped.  We took him to a pediatric opthamologist in September, and she probed his duct open (not a pleasant experience) in the office.  90% of the time a simple probe solves the problem.  Warren however is part of the 10% that require further treatment.  Since the probing failed, Warren needs to go in for a little out patient surgery.  The opthamologist will place a stent in his left tear duct to open it up.  The stent will remain in place (hopefully W won't pull it out!) for 3 months before it is removed.  Surgery is scheduled for April 2nd.  Wish us luck!  I can't say I feel great about Warren being under anesthesia.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bedroom Lamp Revamp

I was getting tired of my bedroom lamps.  The shades were a bit too prissy for me (although I loved them at one time) and I wasn't crazy about the color.  So I bought a couple of drum shades from Target, a can of spray paint and went to work.



After... and a peek at my new artwork... LOVE



Thursday, March 1, 2012

Rachel's Unstuffed Bell Pepper

I made this for dinner last night and it was delicious, low carb, high fiber and only 200 calories per serving:

1lb mild Italian sausage
1-2 julienned green (or any color you like) bell peppers
1 can stewed tomatoes
1 can white beans (mmmm, fiber)
1-2 cups (cooked) brown rice - optional, but we had some left over in the fridge so I threw it in

In a large saute pan, brown the sausage and drain, add all ingredients and let them simmer together until they start smelling delicious.  Done.  Wasn't that easy?

it looked better last night, but I forgot to take a picture
so here it is on day two

Roughly 200 calories per 1cup serving.  Enjoy!

It Keeps You Running

Just a little update for those of you who are not in the know.  Shortly before Christmas, I randomly decided one day, just out of the blue, that I would become a runner.  I've never been able to run, had any desire to run, nor have I ever enjoyed it.  I've always believed for some reason that I simply can't run.  This is not true.  My progress has been slow and steady, but I'm happy to report that I can now run two miles without having to stop and walk or catch my breath.  I'm planning on running a 5k in May, but I may even be ready for a 10k by then!  I'm also very pleased to report the effects that running has had on my body:  since Christmas I'm down 10lbs and 6 inches.