Monday, June 25, 2012

Toilets and Floors and DIY, oh my!

It was a very productive weekend for the Burkholder crew!  We decided to get busy on a few DIY projects around the house.

We replaced our 30 year old, low efficiency toilets yesterday with these two lovely ladies.

Here's a little before and after for you:

We picked out some new flooring, which I'm so excited about!  We decided to go with a handscraped engineered hardwood (love).  I feel like we got a good price (lower than the price on the website).  All 25 boxes are in stock and ready to be picked up.  Now we just need some friends who are willing to help us install.  I really wish my extremely talented contractor brother lived closer!

Sorry for the poor photo quality, my Nikon battery was dead and had to use the old cell phone.  (And yes, I know there is sticker on the front of the toilet. )
And the most exciting DIY project from over the weekend:
Warren made his first pee pee in the potty!
Sorry for he embarrassing shot buddy; you're just so darn cute, I can't help myself!

Next up on the DIY project list: paint kitchen cabinets.  That's a big fat time consuming project, so I've been putting it off.  I need to get on it... would like to have it done before new floors go down.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I lost my mojo

I'm really struggling with running motivation as of late.  When I first started running, I had something to prove.  I wanted to prove to myself that I could run, and I did.  Then I decided to train for a half marathon and every training run was exciting and new because it was something I had never done before; a new challenge.  It was pure passion and dedication.  Then I completed a half marathon, proving to myself that I could (and it felt amazing).  Now that I'm running with no end goal and no race on my schedule it's just not the same.  The excitement has faded.  I ran a four mile loop last night and struggled the entire time.  I'm sure I walked more than I ran.  I hated almost every single minute of it, but did it any way because I know it's good for me and I'm terrified of gaining back the twenty pounds I lost.  Most days I think "if I have to run through Barber Park (my regular running route) one more time I'm going to go crazy".  Where did the love go?  Do you guys ever feel this way?  I need a new route.  I need a new goal.  I need help!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Warren took his Daddy to the Discovery Museum of Idaho for father's day.  He had a nice time.

P.S.  I'm pretty sure I had more fun in the kiddie grocery store than Warren did.  I was trying to reorganize all the displays that had been disorganized by little tykes all day long.  It was organizing crack!

Bruneau Dunes

The Burkholders went camping at Bruneau Dunes over the weekend.  The weather was perfect and the campground was nice.  There was even a small lake next to the dunes.  When we were playing in the water, a boy about 10 years old was swimming near us, yelling "this is awesome".  I looked at Mike and said, "I suppose when you haven't been to Lake Superior, this is pretty awesome".  Sigh... I miss that great lake every single summer!  

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Zoo Day

Sunday we took Warren to the Zoo.  Now that he is a little older, he seems to be enjoying it even more than he did last summer.  He was so excited, he got out of the stroller and walked/ran from exhibit to exhibit.  The goats in the petting zoo are still his favorite... well, them and the giant giraffe shaped slide.

wishing the elephants were real
2 peas in a pod


again, again!

our little lion king

making friends with the goats

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Boot Basket Update

Look what I came home to the other day....

Mike put his boots IN the basket, not next to the basket.  A small victory.  I will take it!