Monday, March 5, 2012

A blocked tear duct... still

Some of you may know, Warren's left tear duct has been blocked since birth.  His left eye gets goopy and crusty and sometimes his eyelid gets swollen and his cheek gets chapped.  We took him to a pediatric opthamologist in September, and she probed his duct open (not a pleasant experience) in the office.  90% of the time a simple probe solves the problem.  Warren however is part of the 10% that require further treatment.  Since the probing failed, Warren needs to go in for a little out patient surgery.  The opthamologist will place a stent in his left tear duct to open it up.  The stent will remain in place (hopefully W won't pull it out!) for 3 months before it is removed.  Surgery is scheduled for April 2nd.  Wish us luck!  I can't say I feel great about Warren being under anesthesia.

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